Year End Reflections

It's the eve of a new year and if you're like me you might be filled with a mix of hopefulness, excitement, worry, dread and maybe even a little bit of shame about what you should have done over the past 364 days or what you should do (and might feel doubtful about doing) in the year ahead.  

Those feelings of worry and shame squelch the excitement and anticipation of a new year filled with possibilities. And the reality is, even though the calendar is changing over tomorrow to a new year, every day is filled with possibility. I decided last year around this time that resolutions don't work for me. Rather, I want to begin each year with intentions for the year ahead.  A lot can change in a year, and your intentions can evolve as the year progresses.

Click on the image to listen to Podcast Episode 15: Year End Reflections

Click on the image to listen to Podcast Episode 15: Year End Reflections

I've been reflecting on the past year. Professionally, I've achieved the goals I've set for myself and many more. For example, I don't think in January I was really expecting to have launched a podcast. It was an idea I was toying with, and I may have even told people about that plan, but there was definitely a part of me - a scared, insecure part - that didn't think it would happen. That part of me was wrong, and I'm glad I didn't let those fears stop me from moving forward. I've been very happy with the success of the podcast so far! This year I went to California for the first time, and I started Sensorimotor Psychotherapy training. As of this time last year I hadn't planned on either of those things. I guess the point I'm trying to make is that today I may feel unsure of whether I'll be able to accomplish what I want to in 2016, but the year will unfold with surprises that will surpass what I can envision doing now.

With that in mind, my intentions for 2016 are to enjoy music, allow self-love, practice present-moment awareness, and listen to my body. I'm actually capable of doing all of those things, because they're all within my control, and there is no getting them wrong. I like the idea of setting intentions that allow me to be human, rather than something like "I will lose 10 pounds." I'm a work in progress. We all are! 

Set Intentions Instead of Resolutions

So what do you want to achieve in 2016? Are there any intentions you can set for yourself in the coming year which will allow you to feel a sense of accomplishment on December 31, 2016? What happens when you set your intentions with love rather than self-criticism? I'd love to hear your intentions in the comment below! 

And if one of your intentions for 2016 is to work on healing your trauma, that's one I can help you accomplish if you live in Maryland. Get in touch with me via e-mail at or by phone at (443) 510-1048. If you'd like to hear more of what I have to say you can find me in lots of places online. For more from me, sign up for my occasional newsletter! I don’t send them out unless I have something I want you to know, and you can unsubscribe any time you want. You can also follow me on TwitterFacebookPinterestInstagram and Google+. To listen to my weekly podcast, search the Baltimore Annapolis Psychotherapy Podcast on iTunes, Stitcher and (coming soon) Google Play. Or click here to listen via my website. 

Happy New Year!! 


Laura Reagan, LCSW-C